“請永遠有個叛逆的心,不放棄挑戰的勇氣。 One more chance ”,RITE 設計精神就是打破既有包包的刻板印象,叛逆改造的概念刻劃出RITE基本架構,結構的轉換,每環節的鑽研,最後賦予每款包體不同核心價值,讓每個使用RITE包的人融入自己的風格,創造專屬自己的味道,概念慢慢塑造成形,不再只是一眛追求已存在的樣板,不盲從的自我風格。
What’s RITE Bag ?
Please keep your rebellious heart, do not give up to challenge - “One more chance“
Our main merchandise around middle size of bags ,we aspire to get rid of the dull and the limitations of inflexible bags as ordinary,and we not only attach in fashion but also integrating multi-functional and conversion of structure, make everyone to integrate into their own style and to create own sense by RITE!
RITE established in 2012,the teams integrate different expertise from different design fields and presents the complete style pack in 2015 , we carefully particular about pop element,detail,function,and collage different material,we will be in collaboration with artists,do the representative works of art joint's bag.