Rita·Handmade 贩卖都是女孩的手作快乐时光,所製作的作品都是五顏六色的,因為在我心中,人生必須是五顏六色的,每一個 手作都是一針一線,帶著手作創始人的心,生活節奏太快了,社會 越來越複雜,作品的初心是,為了讓更多的朋友,一直擁有一顆 童真的心。
每一次的遇見 都是如此的珍貴
如果我所做的 手作,你也喜歡,便感恩
Rita·Handmade selling is a happy moment with me. I think life could be diversified and colourful, so the products I made will be colourful as well.
Every handmade products are made by my hand completely with my enthusiasm.
Nowadays, the pace of life is increasing and the society is becoming complicated. Therefore, I choose to create these handmade products to let more and more people have a good heart as pure as a child's.
My handmade products may be unperfect, so, it will be unique.
It's nice to meet you. If you also like my handmade products, I am thankful to you.