⊙ 一份愛的禮物溫暖了你我記憶
⊙ 餐桌上的幸福風景
⊙ sgs安心保證、鶯歌四十餘年窯廠
⊙ 全球配送 • 將愛的禮物送到世界每個角落
A Ceramic Lifestyle Brand Filled to the Brim with Love and Blessings
Accompany your everyday meals with dishes piled high with love and blessings. Mao’s Studio creates beautiful and unique tableware using a variety of ceramics, with each piece representing endless possibilities and able to serve not only as ordinary tableware, but also as a piece of exquisite table adornment and part of a meaningful memory.
In 1980, my father established Hsaing Shin Ceramic Co. in Yingge, where he created his unique oil painting glaze. From the early days creating porcelain for other brands to creating painted ceramic art, he has always been dedicated to the spirit of craftsmanship.
In 2010, we launched the Mao’s Studio brand, building on the idea of “Full Bowls.” Through this, we expanded the application of my father’s artistic approach to everyday meals.We have two counters of our own and over 20 domestic and international partnerships. We are actively seeking out more partners to help us further expand our reach. I have also used my own experience to create hands-on classes like “Baby Footprint” and “Floral Applique” to bring ceramics closer to the ordinary public.
Mao’s Studio has been working hard in recent years to become the go-to choice for various industries. We have gone beyond just making traditional tableware and have teamed up with different sectors to redefine the concepts of daily necessities. Every piece of tableware is infused with care for people, animals, and the environment, and carries with it a sense of warmth and meaning.
愛と祝福を込めた食器が毎日の食卓のお供をします。 Mao’s樂陶陶のさまざまな種類の食器は、テーブルに最も美しい風景を描き、暮らしの思い出を創る可能性が秘められています。
1980年に父が鶯歌で「祥鑫窯」を立ち上げ、オリジナルの油絵柄で初期より食器の製作代行から芸術的な食器まで手作りにこだわり続けてきました。 2010年、偶然ひらめいた「飽碗(大型お椀)」が、Mao’s楽陶陶のブランドを立ち上げるきっかけとなりました。父の芸術品に対する姿勢は、私と皆様が普段使っている食器へ繋がっているのです。現在は直営店2店舗と国内外の20か所以上の販売店を展開し、提携パートナーが現在も増えています。