Light Weight, Functional, Urban Outdoor Style
The HANCHOR brand was created in Taipei, Taiwan in 2012. We have been designing and hand making bags for outdoor adventures since 2010, and our logo symbolizes a chalked hand with a solid grip on a hold. HANCHOR = Hand+Anchor, both of which keep us on the wall when we climb, and our mission is to design innovative, simple, and high-quality bags to hold your stuff for all your adventures.
Hanchor在2012年創立於台灣台北,始於2010年著手設計、手工製作戶外用品。品牌圖案呈現攀岩者沾滿白色碳酸鎂粉的手緊緊抓住岩塊;HANCHOR= Hand+ Anchor,結合兩項攀岩者與岩牆連結的重要元素,象徵穩固及堅持的精神。由攀岩概念出發的原創設計,採用高級環保材料,並致力於輕量化兼具堅固及功能性的街頭戶外風格。產品經過反覆測試與及親身使用,在乎你每一個感受;甚至提供客製的貼心服務,讓你擁有獨一無二的HANCHOR。