Santa has been busy on behalf of the analogue community, and found a source of colour film freshly manufactured in the USA! After his past success with high-speed B&W film (Santa Rae 1000) he was confident that his elves could make something pretty magical: SantaColor 100 35mm film.
It is a well known air surveillance film (makes sense for Santa!) made by a major manufacturer in the USA. It has been available in small batches from certain labs in certain countries, but is no longer available to the international market as far as he is aware.
The film is freshly made and is a 100 ISO colour negative film compatible with the normal C41 process. As this is not a movie film, it does not have any special (remjet) backing and can therefore easily be processed.
It is very colour accurate and has exceptionally fine grain and detail - it can also be pushed to 800 ISO for slightly more contrast-y, but beautiful results.
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- 剩最後 10 件
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- No.4,674 - 創意科技 | No.261 - 相機/拍立得/底片相機
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- SantaColor
- 商品摘要
- 來自芬蘭的SantaColor 100
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