"Twins" is a heartfelt story about the journey of growing up, brought to life by the talented artist Chỳn and teayou. Each page reveals the innocence of childhood, the explorations and differences of adolescence, and eventually, the realization that no matter how similar two beings may seem, there comes a time when they must accept that they cannot always walk the same path.
Yet, it is the choice to stay by each other's side, no matter what happens, that reminds us of the irreplaceable bond we share.
Teayou’s STICKER BOOK is a MUST-HAVE because:
😍 All stickers are neatly packed into a compact mini book.
😍 Every sticker is printed with UV ink and comes pre-cut for ultimate convenience.
😍 Each illustration is absolutely gorgeous, brought to life by the talented artist Chỳn.
😍 The book is packed with 40 pages (2 full cycles), with each cycle measuring 80 cm—meaning tons of adorable mini designs.
😍 Made with premium Japanese washi material, bound in a carefully crafted and polished package.
If storing or managing tape cycles has been a hassle, this sticker book is the perfect solution for all sticker lovers out there! 🤩
What are you waiting for? Try one now, and we’re sure you’ll fall in love—because we already are! 💕
- 商品材質
- 紙
- 製造方式
- 機器製造
- 商品產地
- 越南
- 庫存
- 10 件以上
- 商品排行
- No.15,555 - 文具卡片 | No.1,420 - 紙膠帶/和紙/PET
- 商品熱門度
- 被欣賞 180 次
- 共 4 人收藏
- 販售許可
- 原創商品
- 商品摘要
- "Twins" is a heartfelt story about the journey of growing up, brought to life by the talented artist Chỳn and teayou's newest creation of a washi sticker book.
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- AlipayHK 支付寶香港
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