a. 小婦人(little women)-Louisa May Alcott路易莎‧梅‧奧爾科特
「There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.」
Have regular hours for work and play, make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life become a beautiful success, in spite of poverty."
b. Jacob's Room & The Waves-Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亞‧伍爾芙
I see nothing. We may sink and settle on the waves. The sea will drum in my ears. The white petals will be darkened with sea water. They will float for a moment and then sink. Rolling over the waves will shoulder me under. Everything falls in a tremendous shower, dissolving me.
Alone, I often fall down into nothingness. I must push my foot stealthily lest I should fall off the edge of the world into nothingness. I have to bang my head against some hard door to call myself back to the body.
c. El Segundo Sexo第二性-Simone de Beauvoir西蒙娜‧德‧波伏娃
El día que una mujer pueda no amar con su debilidad sino con su fuerza, no escapar de sí misma sino encontrarse, no humillarse sino afirmarse, ese día el amor será para ella, como para el hombre, fuente de vida y no un peligro mortal.
Non credo nell'eterno femminino, nell'essenza di una donna, in qualcosa di mistico. La donna non è nata, si fa. Non c'è femminino eterno fin dall'inizio, sono ruoli. E questo si capisce quando si studia la sociologia. Il ruolo di uomini e donne non è assolutamente determinato in tutte le civiltà, ci sono grandi cambiamenti.
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