/ 商品說明及故事 /
美國製 1959年 Kodak Brownie Twin 20 相機 快門正常,觀景窗有少許灰塵,機內乾淨
The Kodak Brownie Twin 20 was a moulded plastic box camera, produced by Kodak initially at Rochester, NY, USA, and later in England. It was similar to smaller Kodak cameras in the Star series.
/ 尺寸、規格、大小、重量/
Dates of production: April 1959 to September 1964.
Film: 620, 12 6×6cm images
Lens: Continuous focusing 4ft-∞, marked into zones; f/11, stops for Exposure Values 13, 14 & 15
Shutter: single-speed, with flash synch.
Screw and pin flash contacts. The instruction manual recommends the use of the Kodak Midget Flashholder or "if you want real speed and ease, ask your dealer about the Kodak Rotary Flasholder, type 1.
Two finders: eye-level sports finder & waist-level brilliant finder, with "super slide" markings.
Winding knob on base, cocks shutter; roller on film is supposed to stop winding at correct point.
Double-exposure prevention.
/ 材質 /
/ 使用及保養方式 /
/ 設計師及品牌簡介 /
伊士曼柯達公司(Eastman Kodak Company,簡稱柯達)是一間大型跨國攝影器材公司。柯達公司的前身是由發明家喬治·伊士曼和商人亨利·斯壯在1881年建立的「伊斯曼乾版公司」(Eastman Dry Plate Company)。該公司總部位於美國紐約羅徹斯特。
美國製 1959年 Kodak Brownie Twin 20 相機 快門正常,觀景窗有少許灰塵,機內乾淨
The Kodak Brownie Twin 20 was a moulded plastic box camera, produced by Kodak initially at Rochester, NY, USA, and later in England. It was similar to smaller Kodak cameras in the Star series.
/ 尺寸、規格、大小、重量/
Dates of production: April 1959 to September 1964.
Film: 620, 12 6×6cm images
Lens: Continuous focusing 4ft-∞, marked into zones; f/11, stops for Exposure Values 13, 14 & 15
Shutter: single-speed, with flash synch.
Screw and pin flash contacts. The instruction manual recommends the use of the Kodak Midget Flashholder or "if you want real speed and ease, ask your dealer about the Kodak Rotary Flasholder, type 1.
Two finders: eye-level sports finder & waist-level brilliant finder, with "super slide" markings.
Winding knob on base, cocks shutter; roller on film is supposed to stop winding at correct point.
Double-exposure prevention.
/ 材質 /
/ 使用及保養方式 /
/ 設計師及品牌簡介 /
伊士曼柯達公司(Eastman Kodak Company,簡稱柯達)是一間大型跨國攝影器材公司。柯達公司的前身是由發明家喬治·伊士曼和商人亨利·斯壯在1881年建立的「伊斯曼乾版公司」(Eastman Dry Plate Company)。該公司總部位於美國紐約羅徹斯特。