
尺寸: 25 x 25cm (手工車縫可能略有歪斜)
1. 藍綠色森林
2. 雨滴裡有一座城 (已售完)
3. 奇異日子 (已售完)
4. 夏日午後 (已售完)
[注意] 目前僅剩 藍綠色森林 款!
材質: 100% 純棉

The square cotton handkerchief with cute printed designs are excellent for everyday use, keeping you clean and dry during the hot and humid summer days! This cotton square could also be used for decorations. meal pads or gift wrapping!
*Size: 25 x 25cm ( 9.84” x 9.84” )
*100% Cotton
*Note: Made in Taiwan; The paints used to print this product had been tested and certified by SGS as safe and non-toxic.
‧ 商品皆為全新品
‧ 電腦解析度與色調各有不同,請謹慎下標,商品以實物為主
‧ Maotu 版權皆為Maotu所有,翻印必究,請勿觸法
輕薄 / 迷你 / 手帕 / 手巾 / 包斤 / 布 / 水果 / 水滴 / 西瓜 / 奇異果 / 樹 / 藍 / 紫 / 紅 / 手作 / 餐墊 / 桌墊 / 聖誕 / 野餐

尺寸: 25 x 25cm (手工車縫可能略有歪斜)
1. 藍綠色森林
2. 雨滴裡有一座城 (已售完)
3. 奇異日子 (已售完)
4. 夏日午後 (已售完)
[注意] 目前僅剩 藍綠色森林 款!
材質: 100% 純棉

The square cotton handkerchief with cute printed designs are excellent for everyday use, keeping you clean and dry during the hot and humid summer days! This cotton square could also be used for decorations. meal pads or gift wrapping!
*Size: 25 x 25cm ( 9.84” x 9.84” )
*100% Cotton
*Note: Made in Taiwan; The paints used to print this product had been tested and certified by SGS as safe and non-toxic.
‧ 商品皆為全新品
‧ 電腦解析度與色調各有不同,請謹慎下標,商品以實物為主
‧ Maotu 版權皆為Maotu所有,翻印必究,請勿觸法
輕薄 / 迷你 / 手帕 / 手巾 / 包斤 / 布 / 水果 / 水滴 / 西瓜 / 奇異果 / 樹 / 藍 / 紫 / 紅 / 手作 / 餐墊 / 桌墊 / 聖誕 / 野餐