<島嶼的養份>問候卡/台北樹蛙Taipei tree frog (嘉年華慶典)
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設計概念以關懷臺灣自然環境為出發點,擷選臺灣特有亞種或瀕臨絕種之具代表性的臺灣野生動物,描繪其原始習性、食物以及生態環境等,細膩勾勒出保育類動物的身影。 圖像結構打破一貫地平線視角,以萬花筒對稱、三稜鏡多視角的視覺手法呈現,圖中的動植物彷彿置身於嘉年華慶典中般,生生不息的絢爛畫面,看似和諧卻暗喻了生態被破壞的訊息,藉此表達出對土地、 對自然的關懷及對生活環境的重視。
/ 尺寸/L14.5xW14.5cm
/ 材質 /美術紙
/ 產地 /臺灣
Kaleidoscope of Formosan Endangered Species
The calendar is inspired by the damaged natural environ- ment of Taiwan. Twelve iconical Formosan endangered animals are depicted according to their origi- nal habitat each representing the month they are active in real life. Instead of portraying these animals from a usual perspec- tive, they are arranged in symmetrical and prismatical manner to form numerous colourful patterns of kaleido- scope. Animals and plants look as if they are ‘marching’ happily in a carnival, but when observing further, you will see each of them is carrying a bag and is going into exile. The industrial elements appearing in these images in an organic and pastoral palette show an ironical touch to the superficially ‘well-balanced’ ecological environment.
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