【馬上旺】馬上面站著一隻狗,開心叫著 旺!旺!旺!
祝福新的一年大家馬上旺 馬上開心 馬上順利 馬上有喜事
The phrase “[馬上] Ma-Shang” in Chinese means “right away, on the moment”; while it also indicates “on the horse.” The character “[旺] Wang” means prosperous, flourishing and blooming. The pronunciation perfectly matches the sound of dog barking. This is what the motif on this coaster represents. Wish you prosperous right away, flourishing on the moment, and encountering luck at once.
♥尺寸 Size : 10.8×10.8×0.8 cm
♥材質 Material : 耐熱吸水陶瓷 Ceramic Water Absorbent Coaster
♥使用及保養方法: 杯上的小水珠經杯墊吸入後會自然蒸發。若咖啡、茶等有色飲料溢出來時,請馬上擦拭或拿去清洗,清洗完後自然陰乾或曬乾即可。
製造 Origin : 台灣 Taiwan
祝福新的一年大家馬上旺 馬上開心 馬上順利 馬上有喜事
The phrase “[馬上] Ma-Shang” in Chinese means “right away, on the moment”; while it also indicates “on the horse.” The character “[旺] Wang” means prosperous, flourishing and blooming. The pronunciation perfectly matches the sound of dog barking. This is what the motif on this coaster represents. Wish you prosperous right away, flourishing on the moment, and encountering luck at once.
♥尺寸 Size : 10.8×10.8×0.8 cm
♥材質 Material : 耐熱吸水陶瓷 Ceramic Water Absorbent Coaster
♥使用及保養方法: 杯上的小水珠經杯墊吸入後會自然蒸發。若咖啡、茶等有色飲料溢出來時,請馬上擦拭或拿去清洗,清洗完後自然陰乾或曬乾即可。
製造 Origin : 台灣 Taiwan